
Chilhood Memories

From my youngest brother Suhaimi:
Well, there are lots of our childhood memories. And one that I cherished most is when it comes to harvesting time "mengetam". At that time we were staying at Kedai Labok in that rented shophouse.

When it's mengetam time everybody decamped to the padang staying in a Dangar beside that "kubang raja". That Dangar house was built by Pak Chu Kob the man who minded our padi field. It took 3 months for the mengetam to complete. And I remember how every now and then Mek Jah woul be seized by her epileptic fit during the mengetam. At that time I was in standard 2 at Sekolah Labok. Everyday on my way to school, I have to carry a stick in order to fend off the tall padi plat, so that I don't get wet from the dew on it. During the fasting month, I remember how on my way back I fell asleep in someones kebun getah at Kg Takil, and Abah came searching for me in the evening. Life was full of fun, especially that Kubang Raja full of fish. The padi plants were taller than me at that time, and I used to play hide and seek with Raudah. At night we used to lay mats on the jerami and slept there together with Ramli and Derame. Early morning Abah would escort Ramli to Batu 23 roadside to catch the bus to Kota Bharu (Schooling in SIC), because there's a wild Bull tied by someone by the path. As for Mokhtar, he was in the army at that time. I remember how during lunch time we would always received guest at our Dangar because they enjoy having lunch at the padang al fresco. I still can't figure how Abah and Mek were able to make ends meet during those difficult times. Nevertheless we had happy life. And one thing I regret is that we have sold that Tanah Padi, someone from our family should have taken it over, because its full of memories.


me.smilo said...

The final day would be the menimba ikan from that kubang. All the water had receded in the summer heat and we would try to empty the pond with buckets and finall the fish are caught as they have no escape route. The haul was divided among the helpers and a feast of roasted fresh fish was the consequence

Teddy said...

you know what struck me, that hot springs in Tok Bok. If we could somehow develop it into a tourist attraction with similarities like Sunway Lagoon then it will be a major boom for tourism industry.

Let the landowners be the shareholders and such shares cannot be changed for at least 20 years. What say you my laboknites?

Ridzwan A. Rahim said...

ismail, it is so nice to read all these nostalgia postings. even tho i never exactly grew up in kelantan, i can almost understand what it was like. keep on laboking!

me.smilo said...

Tun Teddy, We could find out what the people of Pedas did to develop their hot spring. Perhaps the PAS government could initiate a project.
Ridzwan, you are an honorary Labokin too as you said your mother had family ties in Labok. I shall continue writing, too long have I tarried.

Berisman said...

Thank for sharing the nostalgia of living in the kampung in the 50'a and 60'a/Mine is narrated at http://beris.vox.com written in Malay.(some words in loghat Kelate)

Unknown said...

Someone was asking about that Kolam Air Panas in Pkl Kerdas, Labok. Well development has caught up rather fast with us all especially those Kelantanese who has been away too long. A new highway is undergoing construction right from Kg Tok Bak (Higway Kota Bharu/Kuala Krai) to Selinsing in Pasir Puteh, bypassing Kolam Air Panas just by 1000mtrs. That's the good news. The bad news is that Kolam Air Panas, is not as "PANAS" as before.

abu haniff said...

salam, saya mcm kenal joh kedai lama tu, tok salah dulu kt situ ado kedai pok me